Urology & Gynaecology SINUG Course
Dear MIPS members and friends of SINUG,
For those of you who speak Spanish or Portuguese, on November 24 and 25 will take place the urology and urogynecology course SINUG 2017 in Tenerife (Canary Islands). It is a pleasure for us to invite you to participate in this course where we will address the current issues in urology, urogynecology and physiotherapy with the characteristic work style of SINUG in the latest years: updated scientific program, national and international speakers of high scientific quality and communication skills and focused on debate and delegates participation.
This course is addressed to all professionals involved in the management of these pathologies, and especially directed to trainees or young professionals who are beginning on the field of functional urology, urogynecology, physiotherapy and related disciplines. It is a challenge for SINUG to incorporate new professionals into these disciplines.
Due to affiliation agreements between both societies, the members of MIPS are suitable for the SINUG membership fee (that you will find as “socio fee” written in Spanish in the course website http://cursosinug2017.com
We are sure that the course will be of your interest and from here we can only invite you again to join us and visit the Canary Islands in dates that allow us to give you a warm welcome.