First Announcement Athens Edition | DOWNLOAD
Abstract submission deadline | 31 MARCH 2021
Online Registrations | Reduced rates for virtual event

The VII MIPS Annual Meeting has been granted 13 CME credits by the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for CME)

The abstracts presented as oral contributions to the VII MIPS Annual Meeting will be published on the FPMRS Journal.
Message from the Presidents
Dear All,
In light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, and after careful and deliberate consideration, MIPS Executive Board has made the difficult decision to switch the VII MIPS face-to-face Meeting into a Virtual Congress.
Having spent the past year preparing the Meeting, MIPS feels genuinely sad not to be able to meet the members, delegates and sponsors this June.
Until recently, we were still optimistic about having the event taking place in person; however, due to the persistent outbreaks in the Mediterranean region, we think this, even if hard to make, shall be the best solution to safeguard everyone involved.
However, the MIPS executive Board and the Congress Chairs, Themos Grigoriadis and Charalampos Konstantinidis, fully intend to provide you all with scientific contents that will be provided virtually on 25-27 June 2021.
We wish to thank all the delegates already registered, industries interested in sponsoring the event, MIPS Committees for the dedication and support and, last but not least, the several abstract presenters.
We believe this new asset, even if unusual for MIPS, might bring new understanding and enrich even more the interaction with our members and sponsors. MIPS Executive and Scientific Committees are now working on the new asset in order to finalize the details and we’ll share more information about it in the coming weeks.
We are very sorry for not welcoming you in Athens this year, but we know this is a very challenging time for everyone, and therefore really appreciate your understanding and support.
Please feel free to contact Defoe, our organizing secretariat for any further clarification.
Stay safe!
Diaa Rizk, MIPS President
Themos Grigoriadis, Charalampous Konstantinidis, Meeting Chairs

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