Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb | 30 Nov -2 Dec 2019
The MIPS Educational Course - The Pelvic Floor: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Abu Dhabi, 29-30 March 2019
"The Pelvic Floor: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach” took place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on March 29th - 30th, organized by the Mediterranean Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Society.
“How and Why the Pelvic Floor isKey to Pelvic Organ and Total Body Well-being: A physiologic discussion with a plea for comprehensive, early and periodic void diary utilization.”
With this lecture, Prof. R.A. Schmidt opened the first Pelvic Floor Course in UAEgiving a perfect introduction to the pivotal role of Pelvic Floor in different pathologies...
Zagreb, 1-3 Dec 2018
2nd Mediterranean Meeting on Pelvic Surgery and Pelveoperineology.
HOST-CHAIR: Miroslav Kopjar
HOST CO-CHAIR: Ingrid Marton
HOST CO-CHAIR: Dubravko Habek
About female and male health problems
Conventional surgery of SUI and POP
Male pelvic disorders
Minimally invasive procedures for
treatment of SUI and POP
The role of laser and radio-frequency in
urogynecology and cosmetology
Complications of operative procedures
Prevention and treatment
of pelvic floor disorders
Workshop about MMP and OASIS

MIPS Lecture at XV SINUG Conference
Seville, 15-17 November 2018
I was honoured to be invited to attend the XV SINUG 2019 meeting in the historic and beautiful city of Seville. The meeting chair was Dr Pedro Blasco Hernandez who is a kind gentle giant. The scientific programme was exciting and innovative. The meeting was very well attended and supported by the industry. Many of the external speakers were friends from other societies which was a good chance to catch with their news. The organising committee should be very proud to present Seville at it’s best through from the conference venue...

MIPS Laparoscopic Course - Ljubljana Workshop Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy on Pelvitrainers
Ljubljana, 7 September 2018
Dear Colleagues,
We are honoured to invite you to the MIPS Workshop – Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy on Pelvitrainers, which will take place on 7th September 2018 at the Simulation Centre, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Workshop objective is giving participants theoretical and practical knowledge, and especially, the hands-on training on prepared tissues that stimulate sacrocolpopexy.
Pelvic surgery will be done in the presence of our experienced trainers and you will have the opportunity to discuss with them. Because of the limited number of participants, the training can be individualized and conducted more efficiently for the participants.
We look forward to welcoming you in Ljubljana,
The Local Organizing Committee
REGISTER HERE: http://www.obgyn-si.org/laparoscopic-course-2018/informacije.html
MIPS & JSOG Educational Course | Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: An Update
Landmark Hotel, Amman, Jordan | 26 and 27 October, 2017
MIPS Chair: Professor Diaa Rizk
JSOG President: Dr Mohammad Al-Madani
Local Organiser: Professor Ayman Al-Qatawneh
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It gives me great pleasure as the President of the Mediterranean Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Society (MIPS) to cordially invite you to the first MIPS Educational course in Jordan hosted by the Jordanian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (JSOG). The venue is Amman, the capital city of Jordan and a modern metropolis with numerous ancient ruins from the Roman and Islamic Empires that was initially built on seven hills and their surrounding valleys. The meeting will be held on 26-27 October, 2017 in the Landmark Hotel. The scientific theme is “Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: An Update”.The Host Chair, Professor Ayman Al-Qatawneh, in collaboration with the Executive and Scientific Committees of JSOG have organized an excellent course to introduce Urogynaecology in Jordan. The organizing committee has endeavoured to ensure that the scientific programme is specific to both physician educational needs and patient care priorities in Jordan. The course content covers all aspects of female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions from chronic pelvic pain syndromes to imaging of the pelvic floor with a special emphasis on pelvic floor and perineal trauma, novel therapeutic technologies and surgical management options.
As an incontinence and pelvic floor care provider, we would like to invite you to attend our course in order to further the collaboration between incontinence physicians working in the Mediterranean region with a consequent positive impact on incontinence care and service delivery in the region. Ayman and I, as well as our colleagues from the JSOG, are very much looking forward to welcome you in Amman in October, 2017.
Diaa E.E. Rizk
President, MIPS

MIPS Educational Course | Diagnosis and Management of Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: An Update
Baku, 29-30 September 2017 | Course Chair: Professor Islam Magalov
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It gives me great pleasure as the President of the Mediterranean Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Society (MIPS) to cordially invite you to the MIPS Educational course in Azerbaijan. The venue is Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan and the largest city on the Caspian Sea and in the Caucasus region located 28 metres below sea level making it the largest city in the world located below sea level. Baku is a modern metropolis famous for its medieval walled old city containing and the iconic stone, Maiden Tower. The meeting will be held on 29-30 September, 2017 in the Azerbaijan Medical University, Surgery Hospital. The scientific theme is “Diagnosis and Management of Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: An Update”.
The announcement is posted on our website mipsnet.org.
The Host Chair, Professor Islam Magalov, in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Azerbaijan Medical University have organized an excellent course to introduce Urogynaecology in the Caucasus region. The scientific committee has endeavoured to ensure that the scientific programme is specific to both physician educational needs and patient care priorities in this region. The content covers all aspects of female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions from epidemiology and diagnosis to pelvic floor imaging with a special emphasis on perineal and anal sphincter trauma, pelvic floor reconstructive surgical techniques and the novel concept of preventive Urogynaecology. The course Faculty includes both MIPS speakers as well as local speakers, similar to the standard that we use in all of our MIPS courses in order to promote local Faculty. The official language of the course is English.
As an incontinence and pelvic floor care provider colleague, we would like to invite you to attend our course in order to further the collaboration between incontinence physicians working in the Mediterranean and Caucasus regions with a consequent positive impact on incontinence care and service delivery. Islam and I, are very much looking forward to welcome you in Baku in September, 2017.
Diaa E.E. Rizk
President, MIPS
For more information please contact Prof Islam Magalov: imaga@mail.ru
MIPS Educational Course | Recent advances in Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery
7-8 July 2017 - Umberto I Hospital - Enna, Italy
Scientific Chair: Diaa Rizk
Host Chairs: Biagio Adile, Giuseppe La Ferrera
It gives me great pleasure as the President of the Mediterranean Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Society (MIPS) to cordially invite you to the Second MIPS Educational course in Sicily, Italy. The venue is the picturesque and popular tourist city of Enna located roughly at the centre of Sicily towering above the surrounding beautiful countryside as a magnificent panoramic viewpoint 931 metres above sea level. The meeting will be held on 7,8 July 2017 in Hotel Federico II, Enna. The scientific theme is “Recent Advances in Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery”.
The Host Chairs, Dr. Biagio Adile (MIPS Past-President) and Dr. Giuseppe La Ferrera, have organized an excellent course to build on the outstanding success of the first annual MIPS meeting held in Noto in December 2013 when MIPS was officially born with Dr. Biagio Adile as the first President. The organizing committee has endeavoured to ensure that the scientific programme is specific to both physician educational needs and patient care priorities in Mediterranean countries. The course content covers all aspects of female Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions from urodynamic investigations to genito-urinary fistulas with a special emphasis on minimally invasive surgical procedures and novel surgical techniques. In addition, there is a dedicated live surgery session on various pelvic floor reconstructive and anti-incontinence operations. This year, we have speakers from different parts of Sicily and of Italy as well as renowned MIPS Faculty and we would like to thank our Italian colleagues for their contribution to the educational mission of MIPS.
As an incontinence and pelvic floor care provider, we would like to invite you to attend our course in order to further the collaboration between incontinence physicians working in the Mediterranean region with a consequent positive impact on incontinence care and service delivery in the region. Biagio, Giuseppe and I are very much looking forward to welcome you in Enna in July, 2017.
Diaa E.E. Rizk
President, MIPS

Ankara, 1-2 April 2017
Course Chair: Fulya DÖKMECİ
Dear Colleagues,
We are honored to announce you the MIPS Ankara Pelvic Floor Surgery Cadaver Course which will be held between 1st – 2nd April 2017 at Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Dissection Labs. The course will continue during two days; the first day will be consisted of a theoretical presentation about pelvic anatomy and urogynecologic surgical procedures, the second day will be consisted of a practical session during which all participants will have the opportunity to work on cadaver one-to-one.
You will have a chance to observe and practice specially prepared pelvic dissections for the prevention, diagnosis and management of the most feared complications during urogynecologic surgery on fresh frozen cadavers. In cadaver studies, pelvic surgery will be done in the presence of our experienced trainers and you will have the opportunity to discuss with them.
The Participation is planned for limited number of participants per cadaver so that each practice can be individualized and conducted efficiently for the participants. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to you by emphasizing our belief that the MIPS Ankara Pelvic Floor Surgery Cadaver Course, which we have reorganized in the direction of our experiences and the feedback we have received in our previous courses, will be fruitful and beneficial for all participants.
Course Chair
Prof. Fulya DÖKMECİ, MD

Announcement for MIPS Educational Courses 2017- MIPS Advisory Board
Dear Friends,
1- I am writing to draw your attention to some important MIPS educational events that you might wish to attend in 2017. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of our host chairs, we have organized a number of educational courses in different Mediterranean as well as non-Mediterranean countries to compensate for our winter annual meeting in 2017 in lieu of Rome in March/April 2018. For the first time this year, we have 2 hands-on training MIPS courses for pelvic floor surgery with significantly discounted registration fees ( up to 50%) for MIPS members: a cadaveric dissection course in Ankara on 1, 2 April, 2017 and a laparoscopic course in Ljubljana on 21 April, 2017. Please use this opportunity to participate in these course and to encourage your fellows, residents and trainees to register in order to improve their operative skills.
You will find all the forthcoming events displayed in chronological order on our website under the menu: Meetings/MIPS courses and Lectures with a link to each course website.
Please make sure that you have updated your MIPS membership for 2017 in order to receive the discount on registration fees.
2- I also want to inform you that the MIPS Board has decided in its meeting in Malta to appoint an Advisory Board from Key Opinion Leaders in the Mediterranean region to promote the mission of MIPS. The New Advisory Board will replace the previous International Board as the MIPS Board felt that more regional growth is needed at the this stage of MIPS development. The new Advisory Board has been carefully selected to also include 3 Urologist Colleagues in order to highlight the multi-disciplinary constitution of MIPS. Please join me in welcoming our new Advisory Board Members that you will find on our website under the menu: About/Board of Directors.
Happy 2017!
Prof. Diaa Rizk