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Report from MIPS Course in Abu Dhabi

"The Pelvic Floor: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach” took place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on March 29th - 30th, organized by the Mediterranean Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Society.

“How and Why the Pelvic Floor isKey to Pelvic Organ and Total Body Well-being: A physiologic discussion with a plea for comprehensive, early and periodic void diary utilization.” With this lecture, Prof. R.A. Schmidt opened the first Pelvic Floor Course in UAEgiving a perfect introduction to the pivotal role of Pelvic Floor in different pathologies. The Host Chair, Professor Francesco Cappellano, managed to organize an excellent course to introduce the concept of holistic and multi-disciplinary care of pelvic floor dysfunctions in United Arab Emirates, covering all aspects of Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions, from chronic pelvic pain syndromes to neural mapping with a special emphasis on pelvic floor and obstetric trauma, novel therapeutic technologies and surgical management options. The importance of multidisciplinary and multiprofessional approach was emphasized, with input from medical and paramedical figures. Local and international speakers offered enlightening insight above the latest diagnostic and therapeutic management of pelvic floor disorders, as well as about the physiopathology of chronic pelvic pain. In particular, Prof. Richard Schmidt, from University of Denver, Colorado, gave an interesting talk about the mechanism and the future horizons of the sacral modulation for pelvic floor disorders, Prof. Cappellano gave an update about the molecular and neural mechanism which underlie the start and the persistence of chronic pelvic pain, Dr Massimo Cristaldi updated the public about the latest imagingmodalities for functional disorders of the pelvic floor, such asobstructed defecation, and Dr D. Rizk spoke at length about the management of pelvic floor disorders in elderly female patients. Many other speakers contributed to the Course success with their expertise and experience in the field of pelvic floor physiology and pathology. Around 100 people attended this course, demonstrating the demand for training occasions like this course, which managed successfully to bring together the experience and the expertise of professionals coming from different backgrounds.

The course goal was to enable all clinicians and health care professionals involved in the care of these patients to diagnose pelvic floor disorders more accurately and promptly, as well as getting an update about the most recent treatment and referral options, improving outcomes and the overall quality of life for patients. By the end of the Meeting, we are confident all participants had a better insight and felt more comfortable managing various pelvic floor disorders, with an increasing awareness that pelvic floor problems and incontinence require an integrated multidisciplinary approach.

Prof. Francesco Cappellano

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